28 November 2015


Let's continue with green Chartreuse, the herbal liqueur produced by Carthusian monks in the French Alps. The liqueur is made on the extract of around 130 plants and flowers that grow in the area. The history of the liqueur started off in 1605 as a herbal elixir promising a long life. In 1764 it took the form we know today with its 55 % vol. alcohol.

4 cl rye whiskey
2 cl sweet vermouth
1 cl green Chartreuse
It's supposed to be stirred, but I find that shaking blends the Chartreuse more smoothly.

The cocktail is strong but well-balanced with the rye being held back by the spicy and sweet taste of vermouth and strengthened by hints of cloves, citrus, thyme and rosemary from the strong liqueur. An eminent digestif after a healthy meal.

Chartreau Fizz

A bubbly drink with finesse. The combination of triple sec with the the strong herbal taste of Chartreuse makes this an ideal winter apéritif.

1.5 cl Cointreau
1.5 cl green Chartreuse
1.5 cl lemon juice
9 cl  crémant rosé
Shake ingredients except crémant with ice. Strain into a flute, and top up with crémant.

24 November 2015

The Catcher

Add a little culture to your drinking and show you know your modern classics, in this case Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye! The drink itself is a cultural experience that will lighten up a dark winter evening.

3 cl rye whiskey
1 cl Maraschino liqueur
1.5 cl lime juice
0.5 cl simple syrup
1 dash grapefruit bitters
Shake, strain and sip.

21 November 2015


Here's another autumn-friendly drink with gin that will make you glow.

3 cl gin
3 cl sweet vermouth
0.5 cl Maraschino liqueur
1 dash Angostura bitters
Stir with ice and strain into a classic glass of your choice.

This classic cocktail, originating in the 19th century, deserves your best glassware. A perfect after-dinner drink that is graced by the elegant touch of Maraschino.

20 November 2015

The Casino Cocktail

Autumn is not only whisky(e) time. Gin works all year round.

4 cl gin
1 cl maraschino liqueur
1.5 cl lemon juice
1 dash of orange bitters

Shake it. Enjoy it. This cocktail bounces you from the sweet, the tart, the punchy to the bitter in one delightful sip. A classy before-dinner drink that goes way back to the Twenties.

Source: Harry Craddock, The Savoy Cocktail Book, 1930

11 November 2015

New York Sour

En drik, der indeholder citronsaft, er ideel som aperitif, når man har inviteret gæster (eller sig selv) til middag. Og New  York Sour er en sofistikeret en af slagsen - rødvin er ikke den mest gængse ingrediens i blandede drikke.

4 cl bourbon
2 cl citronsaft
2 cl alm. sirup
2 cl rødvin

Ryst de tre første ingredienserne med is i en shaker. Si over i et rocksglas med frisk is. Hæld rødvinen forsigtigt i, så den lægger sig øverst. Læg en citrontwist i.

05 November 2015

Scottish Orchard

Vi fortsætter ad whisky-sporet, denne gang med en skotsk whisky og en mere røget smag. Æblecideren giver en friskhed og let syrlighed, der løfter whiskyen op i en lettere vægtklasse, så efterårsdagene ikke bliver alt for melankolske.

4 cl Scotch whisky

0,5 cl honningsirup

1 skvæt Angostura

4 cl hård fransk eller engelsk cider

Rør de tre første ingredienser sammen i et mixerglas med is, og si over i et cocktail- og coupeglas. Top op med cider, og garner med citrontwist og et kirsebær, hvis du har lyst.

Kan også laves som en long drink, så du får cidersmagen mere frem. Prøv dig frem til den rette mængde.

Kilde: The Guardian, 2014


04 November 2015

Dancing Leprechaun

Efteråret er tiden til at finde de tungere varer frem fra barskabets gemmer. Og hvad er mere oplagt end irsk whiskey? Prøv denne her cocktail, der stadig holder fast i minderne om varmere tider.

4 cl Irish whiskey
2 cl Drambuie
2 cl citronsaft
Ginger beer

Ryst de tre første ingredienser i en shaker med is. Si over i et rocksglas med frisk is, top op med ginger beer ad lib.

Note: leprechaun er en lille drilagtig irsk skovtrold, som man stifter bekendtskab med efter et par stykker af denne drink. Nu er du advaret.

02 November 2015

Francis the Mule

4 cl Bourbon whiskey
1 cl lemon juice
1 cl cold espresso
0.5 cl orgeat syrup
2 dashes of orange bitters

Shake ingredients with ice. Strain into a coupe glass.

A not quite mainstream way of having a cortado. Bourbon and espresso play a bass line with lemon taking a higher pitch.