30 March 2016


En long drink med citrus kvikker altid op og giver en sen eftermiddag lidt mere farve. Den klassiske, peruvianske drik Chilcano baserer sig på pisco, som er en ægte brændevin lavet på ung vin. Pisco er Perus stolthed, og der afholdes hvert år en "semana del pisco", hvor der i ugens løb afprøves gamle og nye opskrifter med destillatet. Smagen af pisco er domineret af druer og en snert af sure æbler, og sat sammen med ingefær og lime krydret med Angostura, kan en long drink næsten ikke blive bedre.

4 cl pisco
1 cl limesaft
6 cl ginger ale 
2 stænk Angostura

Hæld pisco og linesaft i et collinsglas. Tilsæt is og top op med ginger ale. Rør forsigtigt og afslut med et par stænk Angostura.

Pisco laves i Peru og Chile. Chile producerer i meget store mængder med fokus på et bredt marked, mens Peru satser på kvalitet. Chilcano nævnes første gang i en spansk tekst fra år 1900.

18 March 2016

El Presidente

Rom og cognac? Nej vel? Og dog. I denne klassiske cocktail indgår rom og Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, der er en orangelikør baseret på cognac. Med en tør vermouth som en let bitter mediator udløser de to stærke ingredienser deres smagsfylde og aromatiske egenskaber i en glidende bevægelse fra blid appelsin til skarp sukkerrør.

4 cl lys rom
2 cl tør vermouth (den originale opskrift siger Champéry, altså Dolin)
2 cl Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge
0,5 cl  grenadine
Rør ingredienserne 
med is. Si over i et cocktailglas. Garner med en appelsintwist og/eller et maraschino kirsebær.

Kilde: Bar La Florida Cocktails, Havana, Cuba, 1935


Amerikanerne fik øjnene op for denne cocktail under forbudstiden (1920-1933), hvor Cuba var et yndet turistmål for de forbudsramte. Drikken var længe  en af den cubanske overklasses foretrukne drikke, og den er opkaldt efter præsident Gerardo Machado. El Presidente, altså cocktailen, er blandt de mange cocktails fra forbudstiden, der gik i glemmebogen, men takket været cocktail-aficionados i det 21. århundrede er den vendt tilbage. Og det velfortjent, da den er en fin alternativ til en mere traditionel Daquiri. Hvis du mener, at appelsinlikøren fylder for meget, kan du skære ned på den og bruge 1 cl og forhøje andelen af vermouth til 4 cl.

Baren La Florida er mest kendt under navnet La Floridita og er stedet, som Ernest "Papa" Hemingway hyppigt besøgte, når han skulle have sin særlige variant af en Daiquiri, Papa Doplo.

16 March 2016

Grand Marnier and Campari cocktails

Breaking news within the alcohol business is that Gruppo Campari has bought a fair share of the company producing the orange-flavoured French liqueur Grand Marnier. The Italian alcohol giant hopes to cash in on the revival of classic cocktails, a field in which both brands are prominent players.
Here a few recipes containing both brands.

Night & Day
9 cl cold champagne brut
1.5 cl Campari
1.5 cl Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge
Pour ingredients in the given order into a flute. Stir gently with bar spoon.

A champagne cocktail that is perfect for any occasion, any season and any time of the day.

Campari Collins
4.5 cl Campari
1.5 cl Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge
1.5 cl lemon juice
1.5 cl simple syrup
Sparkling mineral water
Shake the first four ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice and top up with mineral water. Add a slice of orange and serve with a straw.

A very aromatic and bittersweet long drink.

Copper Illusion

4 cl gin
2 cl Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge
2 cl Campari
Stir the ingredients with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a martini glass, or into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with an orange twist in both cases.

This cocktail is basically a Negroni without the vermouth, but tastewise it takes you through a different, intriguing and more classy landscape.

Finally, a word about Grand Marnier. It comes in two versions: the Cordon Rouge (red ribbon) is based on cognac and is far superior to the other version which is Cordon Jaune (yellow ribbon). The latter is based on neutral grain spirit and is more in line with Cointreau.

Pictures? Wait for 'em!

14 March 2016

Elderflower Rosé

Rosé wines are becoming more and more popular in our part of the world. And no wonder. The bone-dry French ones made with red wine grapes give off a pleasing aroma of flowers and fruit, and the taste is fresh and crisp in a fruity way. Add to this a whiff and smack of elderflower and you have a slightly sweet and engaging counterpoint to the dryness of the wine.
The Elderflower Rosé is a refreshing alternative to the traditional apéritif Kir.

12 cl dry French rosé wine
1 or 1.5 cl St-Germain elderflower liqueur

Simply pour the cold liqueur into a small wine glass, add the cold rosé and stir lightly.

13 March 2016

Pompier Highball

Spring is not here yet, but this long drink will give you a feel of Paris in springtime. The drink is also an ideal and refreshing apéritif for you or your guests in any season. It doesn't get more French (apart from the Pellegrino).

6 cl dry French vermouth
1.5 cl crème de cassis
Sparkling mineral water

Mix vermouth and cassis with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice. Top up with mineral water. Garnish with a slice of lemon or lime.

The aromatic plant extracts in a dry vermouth are set free in this long drink, and the suggested amount of cassis gives a pleasing sweetness without overdoing it. Older recipes augment the amount of cassis going for a sweeter drink.

04 March 2016

The Hunt

A great drink with the taste of bourbon one side and the taste of cider on the other, held together by a hint of the intriguing, herbaceous bitterness of Chartreuse. 

6 cl bourbon whiskey
0.5 cl green Chartreuse
0,5 cl simple syrup
7 cl sparkling apple cider

Stir the three first ingredients over ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a rocks glass with ice. Top up with cider. Add a lemon twist, and you're set to go.

Source: Molly Cohen, SixtyFive cocktail lounge at Rockefeller Center, New York City