04 January 2017

Starry Night

A frosty evening is a perfect time for stargazing and getting back on your feet after New Year's Eve. Some of us also find it helpful to turn the gaze inwards for some soul searching, and to get one into that mood a dreamy, aromatic cocktail like Starry Night might do the job.
The dry, clean taste of Chablis, the white wine from Burgundy based on Chardonnay grapes, is accompanied by delicate, slightly earthy notes from the Italian cherry liqueur and the strong fruity fragrance of the French pear brandy.

6 cl Chablis
1.5 cl Poire William
1.5 cl Luxardo
Stir the three ingredients with ice and strain into a wine glass.

The name of the cocktail is perhaps a reference to the painting "Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh. 

Source: Jamie Boudreau, American bartender.

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