24 May 2016


An old-school highball that was popular in the 1920s and mentioned in the cocktail revivalist's bible from 1930, The Savoy Cocktail Book. If ginger ale or ginger beer is your thing, this is your drink. Fresh, spicy and sweet in a smoky way.

4 cl rye whiskey 
1.5 cl lemon juice
0.5 cl simple syrup
12 cl ginger ale or beer

Pour the first three ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice and top with ginger ale. Stir gently and add a slice of lemon.

Or shaken:
Shake the first three ingredients with ice and strain into a highball glass filled with fresh ice. Top with ginger ale and add a slice of lemon.

20 May 2016

Brandy Highball

De mørke typer spiritus hører normalt vinteren til, men både whisky og cognac giver forår og smag for alle pengene, når de optræder i long drinks med ginger ale. I denne klassiske long drink presses cognacens runde, karaneliseret smag tydelig frem af ingefærens heftige, men søde bid.

4 cl cognac
14 cl ginger ale
Hæld ingredienserne op i et highball-glas fyldt med isterninger, og du er på vej til ren nydelse.

Drikken nød stor popularitet i 1880ernes USA, hvor den blot blev kaldt Brandy & Ginger Ale.

19 May 2016

Black Beauty

En long drink med en fantastisk smag, der kombinerer det røgede og det bitre med en svag sødme. Det samlede smagsindtryk har en let eksotisk karakter.

3 cl Scotch whisky
1,5 cl Cointreau
1 stænk grenadine sirup
9 cl mineralvand

Hæld de tre første ingredienser op i et highball-glas fyldt med isterninger, og top op med mineralvand. Rør et par omgange med let hånd.

10 May 2016


The month of May beckons for cooling drinks to sip in the afternoon shade and this old timer won't let you down. It's fresh, fruity and slightly spicy.

4 cl gin
2 cl lime juice
1 cl raspberry syrup
Ginger ale or beer

Shake the first three ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice, and top up with ginger ale. Add a slice of lime as garnish.

You can increase the alcohol level by using a raspberry liqueur, e.g. Chambord.

The drink was created in 1901 by a barman in New York to celebrate the opening of a Broadway musical called Florodora. The musical was immensely popular not least for its chorus girls, one of whom was the first to taste the drink. This is how the girls were described: "A sextette of tall, gorgeous damsels, clad in pink walking costumes, black picture hats and carrying frilly parasols swished onto the stage and captivated New York for no other reason than they were utterly stunning."

09 May 2016

Cynar Gin Fizz

Et glas mousserende vin med en frisk, syrlig smag tilsat en let bitterhed og sødme er, hvad du får med denne fizz. Det sødmefyldte bitre kommer fra den italienske amaro Cynar, der bl.a. er lavet på noget så excentrisk i en urtelikør som artiskokker. En drik, der er velegnet som afternoon cocktail i solen eller som en apéritif inden maden. Men pas på, den er ret alkoholrig. Et glas er rigeligt.

3 cl gin
1,5 cl Cynar
1,5 cl citronsaft
0,5 cl alm. sirup
Mousserende vin, fx cava eller Prosecco

Ryst de fire første ingredienser i en shaker med is. Hæld over i et champagneglas og top op med kold mousserende vin.

En fizz består egentlig af citrussaft og danskvand plus alkohol. I denne drik er boblerne og citrussaften bibeholdt!

05 May 2016

Dark and Stormy

A long drink that has become a modern classic. Dark spirits are not usually de rigueur in spring, but nothing less than a full-bodied, dark rum will do if you want to thrill your tastebuds with accents of spices, nuts and burnt caramel in a cool, sweet and fiery combo.

4 cl dark rum
6 or 8 cl ginger beer

Pour the ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice, and add a slice of lime.
If you want the strong version, make sure that you use a fiery ginger beer.

Purists say that only Gosling's Black Seal must be used, but purists are such a drag so don't let them interfere with what you put into your drinks.