09 May 2017

Milanese G&T

Gin and tonic is an all-time favourite and probably the most well known of all mixed drinks. And its popularity keeps rising with the appearance of small batch craft gins produced in almost every country in the developed world today. If you want to up the ante when inviting friends over for a drink on a sunny afternoon, you should try this version with the bitter Italian amaro from Milano, Campari. It adds spicy and herbal notes to supplement the botanicals from the gin and quinquina from the tonic water.

3 cl gin
3 cl Campari
Tonic water
A few drops of lime juice

Add the Campari and gin to a tall glass filled with ice, top with tonic water. Squeeze a few drops out of a lime and garnish with a lime wedge.

Source: Joe St Clair-Ford, co-owner of a recently opened club and bar in Soho, London, called Disrepute, 2017

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