26 September 2016

Shaddock's Fizz

Pretend it's still summer and enjoy this combination of floral and fruity flavours held together by sweet, tart and bitter notes.

6 cl Aperol
2 cl grapefruit juice
1.5 cl St-Germain
6 cl dry sparkling wine

Shake the first three ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass with ice. Top with sparkling wine and garnish with a grapefruit twist.

21 September 2016

Judgment Day

It's officially autumn and you may want a drink that's not for quenching thirst but for fondly remembering a summer gone. This smooth cocktail gives you the fruits of summer with its aromas and notes of rotting grapes, elderflowers in bloom and lemon and lime galore.

4.5 cl pisco
1.5 cl St-Germain elderflower liquour
1.5 cl lime juice
1.5 cl lemon juice
1.5 cl simple syrup
3 cl pasteurized egg white

Shake the ingredients without ice. Add ice and shake again. Strain into a coupe glass.

Source: Jim Meehan

07 September 2016

Pisco Sour

This cocktail is the most well-known drink with pisco. It's actually a cocktail that goes back to the early1920s. Some say it was created in Lima, Peru, by a bartender from California. It's a delightful experience that shows pisco at its very best, delicately strong and full of subtle notes. The egg white gives the drink a full, smooth body with lime and bitters warding off cloying effects.

4 cl pisco
2 cl lime juice
1 cl ordinary syrup
1 cl pasteurized egg white
2 dashes Angostura bitters

Dry shake the ingredients except Angostura, then add ice and shake again. Strain into a cocktail glass and dash the bitters on top.

06 September 2016


want to introduce you to another Latin American brandy that is a godsend to happy cocktailers, namely pisco. It's based on grape juice and produced in Peru and Chile. Compared with Brazilian cachaça, which is based on sugarcane juice, pisco is more refined and sophisticated with notes of fermenting grapes and apples. The best brands can be enjoyed neat as digestifs.
In this pearl of a cocktail the taste is composed like a melody with the citrus fruit and  Aperol creating a harmony that lets the lead singer show what he or she is worth.

4 cl pisco
1.5 cl Aperol
1.5 cl simple syrup
1 cl grapefruit juice
1 cl lemon juice

Shake the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass.

Note: There is an intense rivalry between Peru and Chile as to which of the two countries is the original home of pisco. However, there are superb brands on both sides of the border. Among them are Ocucaje from Peru and El Gobernador from Chile.
And the name of this drink? Cuzco is a city in the south of Peru. It was the capital of the Inca Empire.